St. Lucy's Home for Girls — Lesson 17

Day 17

For the End-of-Unit Assessment, students write a multi-paragraph response to the following prompt, relying on their reading and analysis of “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”: Analyze Claudette’s development in relation to the five stages of Lycanthropic Culture Shock.

1. Watch / Listen


2. Review Vocabulary

1.1 Vocabulary
  • x


3. Read closely

In this passage,

5. Answer questions

After each reading, complete the linked page of questions and email your responses to . Answers can be simple phrases, you do not need to use full sentences — I’m primarily assessing your comprehension of the text.

  • Answer questions:

6. Short essay response (quick write)

Lesson 1.

Include this lesson’s vocabulary wherever possible to develop the topic through the use of well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence. Use your Short Response Rubric and Checklist to guide your written responses. Send in your responses to!

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