St. Lucy’s Home for Girls — 1

Listen to a reading of the first section of Karen Russell’s “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” (Stage 1) before reading and analyzing the title and first epigraph, focusing on how Russell uses specific word choices to evoke a sense of place.  Lesson 1 in Google Doc format.

1. Listen / Read Along
In this passage, listen for words that convey a sense of place.

2. Review Vocabulary

Add the following vocabulary words and definitions provided in class to your journal:

  1. Jesuit (adj.)
  2. lycanthropic (adj.)
  3. stage (n.)
  4. initial (adj.)
  5. period (n.)

3. Answer questions

Answers can be simple phrases, you do not need to use full sentences — I’m primarily assessing your comprehension of the text.

  1. How does the word “Home” in the title begin to develop your understanding of the story?

  2. What specific word choice or phrase in the title develops your understanding of who this story is about?

  3. How does Russell begin the story?

  4. For whom is “The Jesuit Handbook on Lycanthropic Culture Shock” written? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
  5. What does the epigraph suggest about the time the girls will spend at St. Lucy’s? Cite specific words or phrases to support your response.

  6. Describe the tone of the epigraph. What words and phrases create this tone?

4. Short essay response (quick write)

  • Lesson 1. Identify two specific word choices in the title and epigraph and explain how these words evoke a sense of place.

Look at your notes or the text itself to find evidence. Include this lesson’s vocabulary wherever possible to develop the topic through the use of well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient evidence. Use your Short Response Rubric and Checklist to guide your written responses. Share your responses ( )!